by | May 13, 2021 | Stories
At the start of the year, when we explored Bosman plumbing’s first concept blog, New year, new you. The beginning of winter brings us halfway into our new resolutions for our home and, with that, a new checklist for us to explore.
The year has sped by, and we have all had evenings of frosty toes. In the following weeks, Bosman Plumbing suggested a short winter checklist. As winter approaches, pipes, gutters, and outlying storm drain clog with autumn debris, and as part of our checklist, a quick inspection of these areas is a must.
Keep exteriors drains free from debris by installing leaf catchers on outgoing, open pipes and gutters, as well as review your external storm drains for build-up. A quick call or email to your local municipality will help them assess and clear outer storm drains in your area, not just helping you but your neighbours and community as well.
With Cape Town expecting decent winter rainfall this year, it might be a good time to consider a rainwater catchment container. If you have a catchment container installed, have you checked its health, microbe build up in your empty tank or looked at its fixtures and fitting? Make sure all points are open and still structurally sound.
As industry experts with over 25 years of experience, Bosman Plumbing is there to assist our clients with guidance, value-added resources and extraordinary service. Give our team a call today should you need any pre-winter repairs done.
OPEN 24HRS a day for your plumbing emergency!
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | May 4, 2021 | Stories
Organised labours to fight municipal and flora fires have been around for millennia. Though celebrating International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) was only marked on 4 May 1999.
In the Catholic tradition, a feast is prepared for the patron St. Florian, the saint of firefighters, chimney sweeps, and brewers. Did you know the cross of Saint Florian or the Maltese cross is known worldwide as a symbol of the fire service and remains a familiar mark of firefighters and organisations that support them?
We honour the service, sacrifice and unselfish labour and salute the men and women who help keep us safe, protect our communities and our wilderness. We celebrate the men and women who have given their lives in the line of duty.
We plead with our community to keep this day in remembrance for every person in the emergency service, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, wildlife activists, and all the volunteer firefighters.
We can observe and support their mission by wearing internationally recognised IFFD ribbons in red for fire and blue for water.
We urge the public to participate in events or sponsor their local emergency services providers during their time of need.
With Social Media trained on Cape Town this past week and the news of the local flora fire at UCT and Rhodes Memorial, Bosman Plumbing and their team would like to thank every person involved for their assistance and charitable efforts.
Photo by @julietcrew
OPEN 24HRS a day for your plumbing emergency!
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Apr 22, 2021 | Stories
In our previous blog, with a great tool kit comes great responsibility. Bosman plumbing guided us through a nasty spill. Unclogging the toilet like a pro has left up with a DIY buzz, and our next project seems rosy compared to the eww eau de toilette we just fixed.
No clog is ever the same, and with that, the buzz kill to our DIY adventure. Some plumbing repairs are minor and, yes, can even be taken on yourself. However, if your septic tank or sewerage pipes are damaged or faulty, assessing it and repairing it yourself is not an option.
Many factors can cause failure in your system. Excessive water use, accumulation of solid waste at the bottom of a septic system of non-recommended chemicals all play a factor.
Left unaddressed, these issues can cause a backup in your system, leading to damaging pipes or overflowing toilets.
Some signs to watch out for are greener than regular patches of grass. It may indicate a leaking drain in the area. Sewerage and black water can act as a fertilizer, and the extra nutrients will allow your grass to grow bright and green in certain spots. Look out for unexplained wet, black or slimy areas.
A slow or gurgling noise coming from your toilet or outdoor drain could indicate further clogging or damage to the drains themselves. A robust foul odour from clean drains can be an indication as well.
If you have noticed any of the issues mentioned above, do not try and DIY it yourself as industry experts with over 25 years of experience, Bosman Plumbing will assist in the assessment and professional repairs you need.
OPEN 24HRS a day for your plumbing emergency!
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Apr 15, 2021 | Stories
In our previous blog, Oops, I did it again, DIY. Bosman Plumbing provided us with our very own emergency go-to tool kit list. But with every tool kit comes great responsibility. Now that we have the right tools, we can explore a new gunky spill-proof world of DIY and how you can accomplish it with guidance from Bosman plumbing’s exceptional team.
In the dead of night, a phantom flushes the toilet, and unlike the expected glugging and normal swooshing, bubbles start accumulating, and a tide rises and rises until the echoes of a very un-ladylike scream through the night, and a river of gunky water starts spilling from the bathroom.
Tool kit in hand, our resident DIY donned in sleepy wear assesses the gruelling task of dealing with an overflowing toilet and asks the world, “what now?”
It’s a mess and a gross situation to clean up. Fixing the toilet and unclogging it is only half the job.
- Don’t panic and be proactive. Drop a few old towels, an old blanket or rags in the area to catch as much of the ‘black water’ as possible. Blackwater is sewerage and should be dealt with accordingly. If you have then, use some rubber or latex gloves.
- Turning off the water supply is our most significant step, earlier this year, we had our home inspection and should know exactly where to find the shut-off valve near the base of the toilet or the main water valve for your home. If all else fails, remove the toilet lid and manually stop the water flow by lifting the float ball high enough to stop the water from running; place a tool or a plunger in the space to keep the float ball up.
- Do not flush and keep flushing; this will add more water to clean up later.
- Once the overflow has stopped, you can assess what you are dealing with. It might be as simple as something clogging the pipe. In rural areas or off-grid homes, septic tanks are used, and these can back up. A professional team will be needed to address the issue.
- With manual force, using a plunger or wire, remove the clogging if it can be seen or felt. If the left-over water starts draining, you’re gold.
- In the aftermath of the overflowing toilet, don’t let it sit; start the rest of the clean-up as soon as possible. Blackwater is mixed with raw sewage; we don’t want to be exposed to its wide range of bacteria and viruses that can cause typhoid, hepatitis, and cholera. Use gloves if you have them and diluted bleach to clean up. Don’t forget to wash your hands and any items that came in contact with the sludge with warm soapy water.
If your toilet keeps overflowing or the problem persists, call Bosman Plumbing immediately. Our dedicated team has 24-hour emergency service in all areas.
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Apr 8, 2021 | Stories
In our previous blog, Greywater, The good, the bad and the ugly, we explored numerous pros and cons with regards to its retention and used in our home as well as greywater saving devices and sanitary systems.
We all had a good giggle at Harry and his misguided toddler attitude of “I can do it myself” and his wife’s smelly prize roses. We will be taking an in-depth look at what the DIY in you can accomplish with the right tools and the proper guidance from Bosman Plumbing Services and Renovations exceptional team for April.
We all have those moments in life where the DIY itch becomes a manic disorder, and anything and everything shouts FIX ME FIX ME! In those times, we gather up our little tool kits or the scary metal claw thingies from the storage drawer and set out on a journey in said area in the house that needs a little TLC.
Scary slaw thingies in hand, we tug and turn and hammer and then, with a big swoosh, cover the kitchen with an interesting array of bacterial invested water and a missing sock. Yes, the DIY in you unclogged the washing machine’s pipe, but in all helpful manner, the line spewing gunk is now broken and on its way to the bin. One call later, and our magic fairy godmother sends an exceptional plumber with his unique toolbox who wrestles with a claw thingy just like yours and fixes the sad-looking pipe in its correct place.
Before our Bosman plumber runs off to his next assignment, he hands us a little list – on it, our very own emergency go-to tool kit list.
Plumber’s Emergency Kit
- A five-litre bucket doubles up as a handy tool holder that catches swooshing leaks mid-project.
- A regular and heavy-duty plunger. Each plunger works on its own, but sometimes we need a little bit more unclogging power.
- Wrenches in various sizes, a standard joint pliers and last but not least an adjustable wrench.
- A small handle screwdriver set – one of those multipurpose sets with interchangeable heads.
- A key holder with mixed sized Allen keys.
- A roll or two of Duct tape as well as some plumbing or Teflon tape for emergencies.
- A small selection of caps and valves for standard fittings.
- Flashlight for those hard-to-reach areas and an old towel or rag to clean up little drips and leaks.
As industry experts with over 25 years of experience Bosman Plumbing provides you with tools and guidance you need.
OPEN 24HRS a day for your plumbing emergency!
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
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