by | Feb 21, 2022 | Stories
In our previous blog,
“Blast from the past, that little checklist after the holidays“, Bosman plumbing jumped back to one of our first blogs for 2021, in our
Exploring Home Resolutions series. We hit the ground running, completed our annual water and sanitation fixtures checklist with a gold star, and we’re all set for our journey, excited and expectant of what 2022 will hold.
For March, we will be exploring the “what If’s”, expanding our knowledge or the interworking of our home’s water and sanitation fixtures.
Education is key. There is no need to fumble about in the dark when disaster hits.
As per World Health Organization: “water is essential for life, health, and human dignity. In extreme emergencies, there may not be sufficient water available to meet basic needs and in these cases, supplying a minimum level of safe drinking water for survival is of critical importance. Insufficient water and the consumption of contaminated water are usually the first and main causes of ill health to affect displaced populations during and after a disaster.”
We have all asked that nagging question, how much water should be stored for emergencies?
The priority of water should be calculated for each family, bearing in mind their cultural beliefs, composition, and basic needs. One family might need more than others, as young children and women might need a more significant amount. Don’t forget the furkids, as they would need access to clean drinking water as well.
Bosman Plumbing recommends 10 -15L per person/ per day, including water for drinking, cooking and basic sanitation. It’s important to remember not to store more than you would be able to use, as even bottled water would have an expiration date, and unfiltered/unprocessed water could carry water-borne diseases. The best way to avoid spoilage is to store filtered/processed water in a cool dark space and rotate and use it during the year. Alternatively, a small amount of drinking water can be kept aside, and other water filtration devices can be used to treat water.
Bosman Plumbing has the tools and expertise to help you with all your emergency needs. Please speak to one of our consultants today to equip your home for all your emergency water needs.
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Feb 14, 2022 | Stories
In our previous blog,
“Your journey is our journey“, we introduced Bosman’s new concept blog for 2022. With the year being all bright and shiny, lest not forget our lessons from 2021 and what our helping hand Bosman Plumbing have taught us. Have you completed your annual water and sanitation fixtures check yet? If you’re a first-timer, why not consider an onsite inspection?
Here’s a reminder of our shot checklist for ease of use; pop a copy in your yearly planner. A short walkthrough and a quick assessment. That’s all you need for peace of mind that you are set up for the best 2022 journey.
Geysers – know your Manufacturer Code, Serial, and size. Check support brackets, geyser blankets and drip trays. Stay awhile and admire the local wildlife. As always, don’t feed the roof pets!
Bath, mixers, and drains – Check seals and waterproofing. Check wet spots. Make sure mixers function correctly; we do not like our gland nuts leaking.
Sanitaryware age and function – broken, chipped and stained fixtures age your home and reduce your investment in it. Make a note of future fixtures needing repair or replacement.
With your checklist done, have a cold beverage and pat yourself on the back.
A gold star to those that have already completed their checklist. Watch out for more “blasts for the past” blogs, as we will periodically share check-in and check off lists for Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer in our new blogs for 2022.
As industry experts with over 25 years of experience, Bosman Plumbing provides you with the tools and guidance you need.
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Feb 7, 2022 | Stories
In our previous blog,
“A new horizon” we introduced Bosman’s new concept blog for 2022;
Your journey is our journey. We will be exploring this new concept during the next few weeks, testing out the waters. With education at the forefront, we invite the readers to engage, comment and chat with us on our social media platforms.
Do you have a question about Greywater filtration?
Are you looking into renovating your old kitchen or wanting to help kiddo out with a school project about being water-wise?
Your journey is our journey, and it should be your first call. So, follow us on Facebook and bookmark our blog. Remember to add our number to your contact list; you never know when you need assistance.
As industry experts with over 25 years of experience, Bosman Plumbing is there to assist our clients with guidance, value-added resources and extraordinary service. Give our team a call today should you need any assistance.
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Jan 31, 2022 | Stories
In February 2021, Bosman Plumbing introduced their first concept block, “Exploring Home Resolutions” they shared valuable checklists, helped our clients assess their home renovation and kept us on track with our resolution goals. In doing so, Bosman Plumbing has provided a wealth of knowledge to its clients.
As always, your journey is our journey, and with that, a new concept blog for 2022 will fill these pages. With the new school year starting up for the summer, it’s no wonder education is at the forefront of our new concept blog.
We’re never too old to learn a few new skills. Whether young or old, first-timer or a seasoned pro, a little help and education go a long way.
The wait is finally over, and the new horizon is just calling your name. Follow us every week as we set out towards that horizon. If the going is a little slow and you need assistance or some info on the newest tech, contact Bosman Plumbing today as industry experts with over 25 years of experience Bosman Plumbing will be there every step of the way.
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Jan 1, 2022 | Stories
Let’s welcome the year which gives hope
Let’s welcome the year which gives happiness,
Let’s cherish each moment it beholds.
Bosman plumbing would like to wish all our client’s staff and affiliates a blessed and joyful New Year.
May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always, and we can’t wait to see what 2022 will hold.
Whether the reason behind your emergency is apparent or not, Bosman Plumbing will be available to assist as industry experts with over 25 years of experience. Bosman Plumbing is there to assist our clients with guidance, value-added resources and extraordinary service.
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401