by | Apr 1, 2021 | Stories
Paint Easter eggs with the colours of love, humanity, peace, and care.
Celebrate traditions and create wonderful new memories with the people you hold most dear!
Bosman Plumbing wished all our clients and their families a blessed and bountiful Easter.
Whatever your plans are this Easter, know that Bosman Plumbing is here for you 24hrs a day for your plumbing emergency all over Cape Town and Surrounds.
We are a call away.
OPEN 24HRS a day for your plumbing emergency!
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401
by | Mar 25, 2021 | Stories
In our previous blog, Blackwater. Is that a thing? We explored the basics of greywater, the heck it actually is, and how it can affect our environment. We explored the ugly and the bad – but with every con on our list, we can find more pro points as technology and sanitary systems evolve. Sound a bit like the world is being run by intelligent toilets.
So, what are the most significant advantages and disadvantages of getting a greywater system installed?
Basic diversion systems involve a hands-on owner and are prone to smell due to ill maintenance and unskilled installation. A prime example is Harry down the road; he un-linked his bathroom plumbing outlet and ran a hose to his wife’s prize roses, which now smell like a raw sewerage plant.
Untreated greywater should only be diverted and not use in regular irrigation system unless needed in times of drought. Greywater reuse will assist in keeping your garden alive when you are unable to water with municipal water.
But and there is always a but. High tech systems enable a more permanent usage of greywater and, when professionally installed, can be used for non-potable functions like flushing the loo. On average, a standard household can use over 40 0000 litres in showers and loo flushing alone.
Did you know that a professionally installed greywater and rainwater system of an average four-person household will produce enough water to sustain a small garden throughout the year? Well-points and boreholes installed and filtered when needed can be used in non-potable points in your home. Yes, when filtered, the same non-potable water used to water your garden or top up your pool can be used to wash the laundry and even flush the loo.
A greywater system, in the long run, not only saves your hard-earned rands on your municipal water bill, but it also saves our natural resources.
Don’t be a Harry; speak to one of our experts at Bosman Plumbing for all your greywater needs.
OPEN 24HRS a day for your plumbing emergency!
by | Mar 18, 2021 | Stories
In our previous blog, To grey or not to grey, we explored Bosman plumbing’s suggested greywater usage and the reasoning behind it and why water, a natural resource, needs preserving. In our next few posts, we will be exploring the concept and how to go about assessing and remodelling a system designed to meet your personal needs.
But first- what is the difference between greywater and wastewater?
All water that is not potable is normally referred to as greywater. We can group these as rainwater, untreated borehole water or wastewater from a bath, basin, or shower. It is, however, essential to distinguish between the different sources of such water. Wastewater from baths, showers, hand washbasins and washing machines is greywater, but wastewater from a kitchen sink or dishwasher is not greywater but is considered raw sewage.
A line is also drawn between non-potable water collected from the shower, bath, basin, and laundry and that from a toilet or urinal water which is referred to as black water.
The reasoning behind distinguishing between non-potable water, greywater and wastewater are to assess reuse purposes and the system needed. Health, safety, and sanitation needs should prioritize the use of any non-potable water. Greywater can become saturated with unhealthy levels of salts and other chemical compounds from non-environmental soaps used.
Before assessing where and how to implement a greywater system, households should research what plant types can cope with greywater. Soil quality can deteriorate over time with incorrect use, and greywater combined with wastewater and contribute to non-sanitary areas.
As industry experts with over 25 years of experience, Bosman Plumbing will be able to assist in assessing your current sanitation needs and advice on a system that will work best for you and your environment.
by | Mar 8, 2021 | Stories
Women stand at the forefront of our world’s current pandemic. They take on many roles in the world; health care workers, caregivers, innovators, community organizers, teachers, and national leaders in combating the pandemic.
We celebrate your achievements.
We support the raise of awareness about women’s equality and lobby for accelerated gender parity.
We acknowledge the disproportionate burdens they carry every day.
Bosman plumbing wishes all women a beautiful International Women’s Day.
by | Mar 4, 2021 | Stories
In our previous blog, The scary world of bathroom and kitchen remodelling, we explored Bosman plumbing’s remodelling strategies for installing that shiny new chef’s kitchen and your very own bathroom sanctuary; we also touched on the question of greywater usage.
Later this month, we will be celebrating World Water Day on the 22 March.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation (SDG 6) seeks to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation for all, focusing on the sustainable management of water resources, wastewater and ecosystems and acknowledging the importance of an enabling environment. In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, countries have committed to engage in systematic follow-up and review of progress towards the Goals and targets, using a set of global indicators. “UN Policy and reference.”
Water is a precious natural resource, and there are limits to its availability across South Africa. We all remember the three years of inadequate rainfall, causing dam levels to fall to 25% of capacity by late January 2018. The later critical drop in April brought us close to municipal taps being shut off and Day Zero. We all did our part in saving each little drop, and adequate rainfall and overcapacity dams made the news worldwide.
For March, Bosman plumbing will be dedicating a series of posts on this intriguing subject, taking the grey out of the greywater and how to retrofit your current system. Bosman plumbing supports SDG 6, come and celebrate World Water Month with us.