In our previous blog, The scary world of bathroom and kitchen remodelling, we explored Bosman plumbing’s remodelling strategies for installing that shiny new chef’s kitchen and your very own bathroom sanctuary; we also touched on the question of greywater usage.
Later this month, we will be celebrating World Water Day on the 22 March.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation (SDG 6) seeks to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation for all, focusing on the sustainable management of water resources, wastewater and ecosystems and acknowledging the importance of an enabling environment. In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, countries have committed to engage in systematic follow-up and review of progress towards the Goals and targets, using a set of global indicators. “UN Policy and reference.”
Water is a precious natural resource, and there are limits to its availability across South Africa. We all remember the three years of inadequate rainfall, causing dam levels to fall to 25% of capacity by late January 2018. The later critical drop in April brought us close to municipal taps being shut off and Day Zero. We all did our part in saving each little drop, and adequate rainfall and overcapacity dams made the news worldwide.
For March, Bosman plumbing will be dedicating a series of posts on this intriguing subject, taking the grey out of the greywater and how to retrofit your current system. Bosman plumbing supports SDG 6, come and celebrate World Water Month with us.