In our previous blog, You put it where? Bosman Plumbing shared the extensive no-no list of what we should never flush down our sewer system. There are other spaces in and outside our home that collect greywater into the main sewers, and those have a list of do not feed me.
Often, it’s not until a clog happens that we start to question who fed the sink and what is safe to pour down the drain. To prevent clogged pipes before they happen, consult the list of items below. To avoid reaching for the plunger or chemical drain cleaners or calling the plumber later, stop the disposal of coffee grounds and cooking oil down the drain now. Besides preventing clogs, proper disposal of some of these items will help keep your local water supply clean.
1. Grease and Oil – when grease cools, it thickens, which makes it thicker and leads to the risk of clogging your pipes.
2. Coffee Grounds – if your habit of pouring them down the sink every morning, it can build up. The good news: coffee grounds can be composted. Instead, add them to your compost heap or flowering beds.
3. Rice – If you have ever cooked rice before, you know that it expands in water. It is a simple equation. Rice = plus water = build-up = clog
4. Medications – never discard old medication down any drain; the chemical composition of water does not break them down properly, meaning the medication gets into the water and can cause toxic environmental effects. There are several different options for safe disposal. Check with your local pharmacy, which may have a medical waste disposal unit.
5. Cleaning Products and hazardous chemicals -To avoid water pollution, never pour harsh chemicals, like undiluted bleach or ammonia, down the drain.
6. Paint – Depending upon how much leftover paint you have, there are a few options for safe disposal—but pouring it down the drain is not one of them! For a small amount, leave it open and let it dry out before throwing it away. But for more significant amounts, you can try mixing it with kitty litter and allowing it to dry, turning it into a solid before disposing of it. Large quantities, if still usable, can be donated to charitable groups or, if spoiled, can be sent to the hazardous waste treatment centre.
7. Flour or leftover dough – When baking, always scrape excess flour or dough into the trash can before washing the bowls, measuring cups, or egg beaters at the sink. The dough can be sticky and, like gum and coffee grounds, could accumulate in twists and turns of your sewer system, causing build-up and clogs.
8. Eggshells – Even if you have a garbage disposal, eggshells should never be put down in the sink because the membrane of the shell is known to cause clogs. Instead, throw them in the trash or consider composting them.
Educate Little Harry and teach him rather feed the compost heap or the bin monster.
As industry experts with over 25 years of experience Bosman Plumbing will be able to assist with all your clogs and sanitation needs.
OPEN 24HRS a day for your plumbing emergency!
Tel: 021 705 3969
083 658 1402
083 658 1401

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